Friendly reminders:

Fall Festival: Sunday October 27th. 11:00am to 2:00pm. (University campus).

Pumpkin Carving: Monday, October 28th, 9:15 am to 10:30am 

Halloween Parade: Thursday, October 31st, 9:30 am to 10:00am. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Friday, November 1st

Día de Muertos Ceremony: Friday, November 08, 9:15am to 10:00 am. We hope all families can join us.

New Student

On Monday we are welcoming Micah, he is four years old, and his sister Amara and brother Jayden are former Live Oak students. We are looking forward to having this family return!

Isaac is back!

He is a former Live Oak student. He was in Live Oak classroom from 2009 to 2011. Last year while completing an internship, he came to the classroom once a week to spend time with the children. The children loved him, so we are happy to have him back this year! He will visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Isaac is a big help; he plays with the children, helps us prepare activities, and helps supervise small group projects. All the children are always so excited to see him!



We continued learning about fish and other animals that live in the ocean such as whales, dolphins and octopuses.

In small groups, we finished the fish skeleton and the fish scales projects. The art and zoology shelves offered other fun projects, such as fish hole-punching work, fish rubbing board, and fish prints. Also, after observing photos of different kinds of fish eggs, we used water beads to make “fish eggs”. The children were so thrilled observing how the eggs grew every hour, and loved the  sensorial experience of the soft, shell-less “fish eggs”.

Fish songs, dancing, and circle games have been part of the Fish unit as well.



The children have started talking about Halloween costumes with a lot of enthusiasm. We are expecting a lot of spiders, fire fighters, pumpkins, lollipops, witches and movie characters.

Fantasy corner

Our fantasy corner needed an update. All the students worked together to make a pumpkin patch. They drew pumpkins, decorated the area, and arranged the furniture needed to set the scene. Three children at a time take turns playing various roles, immersing themselves in the imaginative experience.


Sensory bin

The sensory bin is always a place where children can explore and find visual and texture experiences. These weeks are Halloween themed and have been very popular and successful. The children love finding all the spooky treasures.


Work period


Griselda shared fruits from her generous passion fruit tree. Most of the children love the taste, after they tried them we made beautiful art projects using watercolors and oil pastels.


Happy Birthday to Lucca! We celebrated his 4th birthday and had a lot of fun dancing the Robot dance song with his family, friends, and teachers.