Hello Cedar families, the following were the themes we studied in the past two weeks. Please enjoy it.

Australia + Marsupias

Our focus on Australia revolves around the country itself. Thanks to Casey and Rena, Camille’s dad and aunt, for presenting to us about their homeland. We learned about the native Australians, known as Aborigines, their dot painting art, the didgeridoo instrument, and the boomerang used for hunting. Casey also explained the history behind the Australian flag, its design, and their currency, including coins. Additionally, we explored some of Australia’s unique animals, such as the ringtail possum, kookaburra, dingo, and platypus. Finally, we created our dot paintings on wooden boomerangs and took Australian Bluey crackers home.

We also learned about marsupials, which are Australian mammals known for carrying their young in pouches. It was fascinating to learn that these pouch-bound babies start out as tiny as jelly beans before growing under their mother’s care. Some examples we discussed include the koala, kangaroo, wombat, possum, and Tasmanian devil.



We talked about the characteristics of birds, like having feathers and being warm-blooded and various types. With their survival instincts, birds can be different from each other in terms of their appearance, diet, behavior, and so on.  We also studied the birds’ beaks/bills and learned that they are just like different tools that help the birds to get food skillfully. Through hands-on experimentation, we explored the functionality of various beak shapes by using multiple tools to grasp different objects.

Amanda and Steven, Zinna’s parents, brought birds to the class: a rooster, a hen, a gosling, and two ducklings. We were surprised to see how much the chicken that visited six weeks ago had grown. We observed the birds and noticed differences in their size, feather colors, beaks, and legs, each adapted for specific functions. We also got a chance to pet them, although they were nervous.


Art with Julianne

Julianne introduced Australian aboriginal painter, Gloria Petyarre. We learned and explored her painting style. Here is the document.


Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Ishaan’s 3rd birthday.


Inside Time


Outside Time