Sweetberry Mixer

Blackberry Families,   For the past two weeks phonics has been hard, but as our Blackberrians know “we can do hard things.” We have done spelling activities, phoneme manipulation activities, and even some spelling “show what you know’s.” We have been focusing on the Phonics Rule for OI and OY, as well as the long […]

Field Trip Photos and a BIG Thank you

Hi Blackberry Parents, First we wanted to thank you all for you participation in conferences. It was wonderful to be able to share how well your children are doing. Also thank you for volunteering for our field trip! We appreciate the support!  

100th Day of School

Hello Blackberry Families,   We had such a fun and amazing day celebrating the 100th day of school! We are so happy and grateful for being a part of our community and classroom! Students were so excited and proud to show off their 100 days of school projects. We had many fun activities such as […]