Japanese New Year, Snow & Ice, & Migrating/New Caterpillar Friends

Updates/Reminders No School Friday, 1/12 and Monday, 1/15 Please send your child with rain gear (rain boots/waterproof shoes, rain jacket, or rain suit) the day after a rainy day because there are often still lots of fun puddles to play in πŸ™‚ Please sign-up for Caterpillar class volunteer opportunities here If you ever have something […]

Bonus Blog: Winter Lantern Walk, Hanukkah, and Kites

Hi Caterpillar Families! Thank you for joining us for the 2nd Annual Winter Lantern Walk. It brought so much joy to be together, sing, and light up the darkness. Here is a little video from the evening and some snapshots from the past week. We wish you a lovely Winter Break. We hope it’s filled […]

Light & Dark with a little bit of Rain & Winter Holidays

Updates/Reminders Winter Lantern Walk: Thursday, 12/14 @ 5:30p; Please RSVP if you haven’t alreadyΒ  Winter Break, 12/18-1/2- No School/No Childcare Please send your child with rain gear (rain boots/waterproof shoes, rain jacket, or rain suit) the day after a rainy day because there are often still lots of fun puddles to play in πŸ™‚ If […]

Autumn Leaves & Colors + VIP Day

Updates/Reminders Fall Break, 11/20-24- No School/No Childcare Jesus Sosa Oaxaca Master Alebrijes Wood carver will be visiting the University campus Monday 11/27/23, the 1st DAY we return from November vacation. There will be a ONE DAY sale taking place in front of the UAC from 3:15 until 5:15 on that day. More info here If […]

Pumpkins, Birthdays, & Dia de los Muertos

Updates/Reminders No school 11/10- Professional Development Day Wednesday, 11/8- Make-up Picture Day Please sign-up for Caterpillar class volunteer opportunities here Please put diapers in your child’s plastic bin in the bathroom. It is a great help because we do not typically have time to go through cubbies before the first toileting check. Thank you so […]

Caterpillars do Halloween! πŸŽƒ

Hi Caterpillar Families! Here are some photos from the Halloween parade and sing-a-long. It was so much fun to celebrate together and to see so many individual and family costumes. After families left our day we returned to our routine, some of us staying in costume πŸ™‚ We read Halloween and pumpkin books and sang […]

Circles & Dots & Mau Mouse

Updates/Reminders Kirstie out 10/23-27, back 10/30 Wednesday, 10/25- Picture Day Please email an ancestor photo and short description for the Dia de Los Muertos ofrenda by Wednesday, 10/25 Parent/Teacher Conferences Friday, November 3 Please sign-up for Caterpillar class volunteer opportunities here Please put diapers in your child’s plastic bin in the bathroom. It is a […]

Round & round we go!: Apples & Rosh Hashanah, Mooncakes & Moon Festival

Updates/Reminders No School Monday, 10/9 Wednesday, 10/25- Picture Day Please sign-up for Caterpillar class volunteer opportunities here Thank you all for bringing back Caterpillar clothes your children have borrowed. You can put them in the baskets underneath the changing table after they have been laundered If you ever have something to tell us that you […]

A Day in the Life of a Caterpillar: The Story of My Day

Updates/Reminders Please remember to check the diaper bins in the bathroom and bring in more if you see it empty. Thank you! Friday, 9/22 is early dismissal from 11:50a-12p Thursday, 9/28 6p-7:30p is Back to School Night; Grown-ups only Thank you all for bringing back Caterpillar clothes your children have borrowed. You can put them […]

Caterpillar Class’ First Day Ever!

We did it! Thank you for a wonderful first day! We welcomed all kinds of big feelings ranging from excitement to worry, joy to sadness, and hesitation to enthusiasm. We all tried new things and did our very best. Here are some photos from the day: πŸŒ±πŸ› Updates/Reminders Tomorrow we will start the day outside […]