That’s a Wrap on our US maps!

As we wrap up 2024, here are some highlights from Cerrito Creek class. Cultural Studies Cerrito students completed their biggest fall project were able to show them off at November’s VIP Day. We would love for you to take a look too! Following their investigations into the US states, regions, and Indigenous cultural regions, Cerritans […]

Cerrito in verse

What we’ve been up to With only a few weeks of school left before break, one might think that the 4/5ers would be winding down their work. On the contrary! Cerritoberries have been forging ahead in all curricular areas, with students packing in as much learning as possible before summer. Here’s what we’ve been working […]

Cerritoberry Gamifies!

What have we been up to? The Gold Rush Game For the last few weeks of Cultural Studies, the 4th and 5th graders have been studying the California Gold Rush. We have learned about how it started, why Anglos from the United States came to the new territory of California, the rough conditions they faced […]

Deepening our distance learning

What we did this week Science Presentations We were excited to have many of you join us for your child’s presentations on their marine organisms this week. While our original plan before DL was to transform our classrooms into underwater wonderlands, we are proud of the flexibility and resourcefulness displayed by Cerrito in turning their […]

Important announcements for Cerritoberry DL

Dear families, In this blog post, you will find a number of important announcements regarding Cerritoberry Distance Learning. It’s long, but contains necessary information for next week. Please read through all the information, and email us with any questions or concerns. Introducing TBS student emails Next week we will be introducing the tool of TBS […]

Happy Spring Break!

Hey Cerritoberry— Happy Spring Break! You guys have worked hard, learned new tools, and expanded your academic and personal selves in so many ways. This week we practiced multiplication using ratio tables, dug deeper into our scientific research of marine organisms, stepped into the minds of a 19th century Californio, started a new book club […]

Routines and Expectations for School Closure

*All communication with students during the next 3 weeks of Distance Learning will be communicated on our 4-5 Distance Learning 19-20 Google Classroom.  TBS’s complete K-8 Distance Learning Plan is linked here.  For those of you looking to add some structure to your coming days for your at-home students, please see below for our typical […]