Measuring the Solar System

Sam is having another AISCS bake sale this Sunday. Check out his Blog for details. Homework: Math: 4th grade options 1 and 2, 5th grade POW Spelling practice for quiz tomorrow Read for 20 minutes, do reflection. Turn in planners tomorrow.  

Homework: Math: 4th grade options 1 and 2 5th grade math worksheet, POW due Friday Reading: 20 minutes and one deep connection Type or practice cursive for 20 minutes  

Gender Continua

After our community meeting for business this afternoon, a pattern emerged of boys and girls taking opposing sides. The time was right for some emergent curriculum on gender, and the various continua which our society imposes on us that stereotype what it means to be more or less a man or woman. It was fascinating to […]

Assessment at TBS

During the report-writing process, teachers are deep in reflection, combing through student work, and thoughtfully considering each child’s strengths and goals. They easily log an additional work week into the month of January, between writing narratives and completing the learning outcome criteria. However, the summative evaluations reported in the mid-year and end-of-year reports are hardly […]

Quick look at park recess

Homework: Math: 4th grade division packet; fifth grade, second page of packet Wordly Wise, 20 minutes Read! Make a prediction on your planner The week ahead will bring more astronomy, long division for fourth graders, comparing fractions for fifth grade, writing letters to favorite writers or celebrities, and progress reporting for teachers. I am in […]


Thank you to my drivers! Homework: Math is the same as last night, due Thursday Write a letter (about one page) to Google Lunar X. What questions, comments (complaints!) do you have about this proposal? Read, predict

My Very Excellent Mother…

Just Served Up Nine Pizzas! Ever heard that one before? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the dwarf planet, Pluto. Students made their own acronyms today to help themselves remember the planets if they did not know them already. They also graphed the planets’ various distances from the sun and their orbital […]

Thursday homework

Thursday homework is simply to study spelling words, do SSR + reading response on planner, and both grades have a math worksheet. Download grade 5 packet from Monday’s blog, fourth grade packet on the Strawberry blog.   Make sure to sign up to drive to Chabot on Tuesday. We still could use another driver or […]