Tuesday Homework:
Math:5th graders should do 15 or 20 minutes of Khan Academy tonight and page 3 of their packets, 4th graders have options 1,2,3
Reading: 20+ minutes of SSR, plus a prediction. You may choose to do your prediction on Bamboo People, the read aloud we started today.
Writing: 20 minutes free writing, in writer’s notebook or on Drive, many choices!
It’s puberty ed week! Ms. Devine taught the first of four lessons this week on puberty and sexuality. The students were noticeably anxious the last few weeks, all abuzz with ideas and worries, and Ms. Devine’s calm, caring manner effectively put them at ease.
Students put more time into their wagons this afternoon, and most groups are close to finishing the chassis. The next step will be jigsawing the wheels from plywood. Anyone want to help? Name your time, and I’ll give you a few willing students, the tools, eye protection, and a few sawhorses. We put a tentative date of May 21 on the calendar today for our end-of-year performance. That’s a Thursday night, and we will no doubt be celebrating the end of the Oregon Trail.
We also did a reader’s theater reading of Julius Caesar today to celebrate the Ides of March. Et tu Brute!
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