Being the Change – Service Learning at TBS

At TBS, we believe that service learning experiences lead children to ask themselves important questions: “Who do I want to be?” “How do I relate with others?” “How do I view others that are different from me?” “How do I better understand those differences and similarities?” “What should I do with my understanding?” Asking these […]

The week ahead

Dear Cerrito families, The week ahead will bring more wagon building, a field trip to the Blackhawk Automotive Museum for the Spirit of the Old West exhibit in Danville on Thursday, the completion of our literature circles on Bound for Oregon, and rehearsal with Owen for the Spring Sing, coming up later this month. We started publishing […]

Health and Puberty Education Parent Night – March 11

Please join us with Jennifer Devine, Wednesday, March 11, 7-8p in the Depot. Parents Only. Click here to reserve childcare. As an important area of development, understanding and self-respect, our 4th-6th grade students will engage in a series of health and puberty education classes during the week of March 16. Our goal is to proactively empower our students […]

Building wagons, day 1

Thank you for your help today, parent volunteers! So much fun and engagement. Homework: Math:4th grade dream house reflection, 5th grade finish your packet form this week CS: Journal about Poison Spring. What did you do? What happened? What is the name of the new baby? Reading: BFO, next assignment due tomorrow . No spelling […]

Homework: Reading: Bound for Oregon, chapters 10 and 11, reading group job Visit the Voicethread and listen to what your classmates had to say. If you have a chance, comment with the main idea of what you hear them saying. Math: 4th graders have a written reflection, 5th graders have page 5 of their packets