From Owen Roberts, K-5 Music Teacher

This Thursday, April 30 we will gather to sing, dance, and celebrate with your K-5 students. Our Spring Sing this year explores the relationship between music and poetry and features musical interpretations of poems by Shel Silverstein, Maya Angelou, Christina Rossetti, Kevin Henkes, and Olive Wadsworth. The process of preparing for the performance has been inspiring and the students are proud of the hard work (and play) that they have put in. I look forward to seeing you this Thursday!
6:00p – Drop off children directly to their classroom
6:30p – Spring Sing begins in the Social Hall of Netivot Shalom
7:15p –  Pick up students from the Depot

Please be prompt in dropping off your children at 6:00p for preparation. If your child will stay in ExDay that afternoon, be sure to bring dinner and clothes for the performance by 5:45p. Children will transition from classrooms to the Depot, to wait until their performance and watch a live stream of the other classes performing. The yard and play structure will be off limits for the evening.

Performance Attire:
Blue and/or Black
*The students will be moving a lot and should dress in comfortable clothes and shoes.