4th and 5th grade Khan Academy!
Finish one timeline for your rad women on the Google Doc you created today. See the sample webpage below.
She saved Lewis
And Clark from
Certain disaster.
A Shoshone whose name means Bird Woman,
Got away from old One-Eye, Le Borgne,
And still had to marry burly Charbonneau.
We can only speculate about her
Eventual fate
After leading the pale skins to the lake that stinks.
A Timeline of Sacagawea’s Life
you should try to have 10 dates/facts on your timeline
1788: Sacagawea born in Lemhi County, Idaho to Agaidika, Shoshone parents
1800 Sacagawea kidnapped by Hidatsas, married off to Touissant Charbonneau
July 4, 1803 Congress buys the Louisiana Territory from the French in the Louisiana Purchase
May 1804 Lewis and Clark Expedition begins
Why Sacagawea Was Rad!
Sacagawea was not only part of the reason Lewis and Clark made it to the Pacific, she was the reason they made it there. She made everyday contributions to the expedition, including digging roots and getting the fire started each morning. She was the translator for the men when they encountered new tribes of Native people, and her sign language defused more than one heated confrontation. Tribes were always put at ease by the presence of a woman carrying a baby. Sacagawea helped the expedition get horses to cross the Rockies when they met up with Cameahwait, her brother and the chief of the Shoshone. She even saved Captain Lewis’ journal after Charbonneau attempted to sink a pirogue. The Corps of Discovery adored her, and they even included her in a vote when they arrived at the Pacific, a privilege American women would not see for over a hundred years. She was strong, brave, and intelligent. She was, in a word, RAD!
Now, do the same thing for the rad woman you know!
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