Homework 9/28-10/2

Monday Math 4th grade:Factor Bingo 5th grade: pages 28 and 29 in your packet, begin POW (due Friday). Download packet here.  Wordly Wise: 20 minutes or approximately 2 pages Read: 20+ minutes and 2 question responses. That means to develop a question about a character or event in the book.   Tuesday   Math:  4th […]

Homework 9/21-9/25

Monday  Math: 4th graders; 5th graders should work on their problem of the week every night this week. It’s due Friday and you can download it here. Reading: 20+ minutes, 2 responses Writing: practice using descriptive language in your writer’s notebook. Use juicy language to improve “I woke up,” “I got dressed,” and “I went to […]


I. Hardware in Cerrito Creek : 24 Chromebooks, 12 iPads, SmartBoard, readers, personal machines (some students byo device to support their learning needs). II. Google Classroom: TBS has created a (very) stripped down Google account for each student in the 4/5. They have no access to Gmail, Google Plus, or any other chatting platforms. They will […]

Social and Emotional Learning

I. Community Agreements a. Logical Consequences are how we address breaches of the agreements. They are: loss of privilege, take a break, and you break it you fix it. II.  Community Meetings: every Thursday at 2:30. a. Community Meeting Notebook: a place to record community concerns and conflict for discussion in the meeting. Students date entries […]

Blogging Routines

I have to keep it short today as I prepare for Back to School Night tomorrow. I enjoy blogging each day – it helps me reflect and communicate to you about our day. Students are supported by the homework downloads and information, though they also need to learn to record this info in their planners each […]

Birthday Traditions, etc.

Happy Rosh Hashanah, and welcome to our first full week of school. I will see most of you on Back to School Night this Thursday, so many more details to come, but I wanted to give you a description of birthday traditions in Cerrito, since we have two birthdays already this week. Our school is great […]

Lake Anza Tomorrow

The only homework is to read tonight for 20+ minutes and finish the four responses in the reader’s notebook. Most students only have one or two to complete, and some are already finished. Don’t forget to pack sun and swim gear for tomorrow, not to mention a snack and lunch.

Event and Response

  Good evening Cerrito families, 4th graders: finish math grid worksheet from yesterday if you have not. Play MADS (optional. 5th graders: Play Factor Captor with someone. You must teach them the rules and play one game (you can either choose to play to a certain score, set a timer, or fill up as much […]

First Night of Homework!

Homework: 4th grade math: Grid worksheet. Please visit Strawberry’s website (click on the link in the toolbar above) for downloads and details. Jeff teaches fourth grade math and regularly provides downloads for students who forget assignments. 5th grade math: 2 Diffy puzzles. (Student should know directions, but here are some more if there is a […]