I. Hardware in Cerrito Creek : 24 Chromebooks, 12 iPads, SmartBoard, readers, personal machines (some students byo device to support their learning needs).
II. Google Classroom: TBS has created a (very) stripped down Google account for each student in the 4/5. They have no access to Gmail, Google Plus, or any other chatting platforms. They will use classroom to organize and turn in assignments. It’s the best platform I’ve seen for giving students feedback that they will actually respond to (i.e. they have to make the suggested changes and turn in the assignment again)
III. Typing Instruction: students will practice typing on Typing Club, using the Herzog Method. After their two-week intensive in September, they will practice at school and at home (screen time allowing). We want to respect your rules at home. They will not practice for longer than 15 or 20 minutes in a given day at school. Short, frequent sessions work best that focus on technique before speed.
IV. Favorite Websites we use in class
a. Dreambox for math instruction, extension, and intervention.
b. VoiceThread for commenting on photographs and videos.
c. Quizlet for studying spelling, vocabulary, and other knowledge-building tasks. Login with your child’s TBS Google credentials.
d. Exploros, which is a platform for Wordly Wise, our vocabulary program. Login with your child’s TBS Google credentials.
Thank you for reading and signing the techology agreements with your child.