Introducing Literacy Circles (aka Book Groups)

Students began reading Island of the Blue Dolphins today, by Scott O’Dell. If you grew up in California, you, too, may have read this book at this age. It is an exciting tale of a young Native Californian woman’s survival on the westernmost Channel Island in southern California. The reader meets hunters, soliders, explorers, conquerors, plunderers, and slaves in the pages of the book, and it’s based on a true story.

A caveat: it’s guided reading level V. That means that it will be quite challenging for many of our readers, but not impossible. Your child may benefit if you read aloud to them sometimes. You may also choose to download an audiobook for them to follow along with (make sure they have the book in hand so their eyes are practicing reading the words). Here’s a free download if you sign up for the Randomhouse newsletter, or you can of course get it on iTunes, Amazon,, or whatever audiobook source you frequent.\

They have a written component to each reading assignment (see photo and caption above) that will help deepen their understanding. They will furthermore discuss the book in small groups in class, practicing speaking, listening, and engaging in academic argument. Big work! We expect this to be challenging, but worthwhile. Thank you in advance for your support. One last note: this may slow down their progress in other chosen books, but our hope is not to shut down their independent reading efforts.




  • 4th graders have a packet to complete up to Jeff’s star (he starred the st0pping place) by Thursday
  • 5th graders have the first three pages of their packet due Thursday and a POW due Friday.

Spelling: 5 sentences with your words (try to use 2 or 3 in a sentence to challenge yourself!), write your 5 most challenging words three times a piece

Reading: Island of the Blue Dolphins, chapters 2-5 due + Clued In job due Wednesday



  • 4th graders have a packet to complete up to Jeff’s star (he starred the st0pping place) by Thursday
  • 5th graders have the first three pages of their packet due Thursday and a POW due Friday.

Spelling: “Tuesday class” (restate rule, think of three words not in your sort that fit the rule)

Wordly Wise: 2-3 pages

Reading: the next I.O.B.D. assignment isn’t due until next Monday, and it’s chapters 6-9 + Friends I Might Have Known assignment


Math: 4th graders have a fractions worksheet; 5th graders have a pow

Spelling: study your words on quizlet. Click on Cerrito creek in the left hand toolbar to see your words.

Reading: second assignment of IOBD due Monday. See above for details.