Fort Ross – One Stop Shopping

Calendar of Events Costumes Packing List: .  A BAG LUNCH FOR YOUR ARRIVAL AT THE FORT. WARM SLEEPING BAG, PAD & GROUND CLOTH–You will sleep on wood floors in the fort buildings. EATING UTENSILS: Cup, plate and/or bowl, knife, fork, spoon, and water bottle. PERSONAL TOILET ARTICLES:  Don’t forget sun screen, the sun can be […]

December 14-18

Reminders Wednesday night from 6 to 7 is the Fort Ross info session. Ivan Kuskov (Mike) will be presenting to all the chaperones and any parents that are just interested in what we will be up to in January. Thursday from 8:30 to 10 is the Oceans Celebration. We will present our research from the […]

December 7-11

Monday Math 4th graders practice lattice multiplication 5th graders have multitudinous pages of Show Me 1/2 to complete this week. This is a packet they should have in their binders and cannot be downloaded. The problems all have to do with money, time, and the associated fractions. Pack for the tide pools! Bring snack, lunch, […]