

  • 4th graders practice lattice multiplication
  • 5th graders have multitudinous pages of Show Me 1/2 to complete this week. This is a packet they should have in their binders and cannot be downloaded. The problems all have to do with money, time, and the associated fractions.

Pack for the tide pools! Bring snack, lunch, water, warm layers, sunscreen, hat, and a change of shoes for the car if you plan on getting wet. Rain boots are a fantastic choice.


Wow, what a day! We had a beautiful time at the tidepools. Students have the same homework as noted on Monday. Some students are finishing up spelling packets form last week, as well.


Man, did we work hard on topic sentences today! Students are learning to write solid informational paragraphs, and tonight they’ll practice by writing about the organism they are researching. Their brochures are moving along nicely, and pretty soon we’ll start papier macheing like mad. Please send in any old newspaper you have laying around the house in the next few days to help our efforts!


  • 4th graders do one side of the standard algorithm worksheet
  • 5th graders continue their work in Show Me 1/2. You’re making great progress!

Reading: always

Science: Type up (or handwrite, as your situation may require) your ten fun facts and finish your awesome adapatations paragraph. There is a rubric, instructions, and details on Google Classroom if you want scaffolding.


A brochure cover nearing completion. Nice artwork!


Math: 5th graders finish the Show Me 1/2 assignment

Science: finish your food web in pencil. What you’re supposed to include is below.

Spelling: study your words on Quizlet or the old-fashioned way. Finish your packets.

Read, as always, and fill out how many pages your read this week


If your critter lives in the open ocean, here’s what to include:


phytoplankton (use an inset!)


mollusk: squid, comb jelly

small fish: sardines, anchovies

bigger fish: bonito, bluefin tuna, halibut, barracuda

marine mammals: blue whales, orcas, harbor seals

green sea turtle

top-level predators: white shark, hammerhead shark, filetail catshark,

birds: albatross


flotsam and jetsam (plastic, yuk!)

If your critter lives in the deep sea, include:

photic vs. aphotic zone

depth labels

marine snow

whale fall

hydrothermic vents

chemosynthetic bacteria (instead of plankton!)

giant tube worms

clams, limpets, shrimp

deep sea anglerfish

fangtooth (anapoglaster)

hatchet fish

hula skirt siphonophore