How do I begin to thank parent volunteers for all the energy and creativity that went into the Fort Ross experience? The proof was in the pudding, or the goulash, as the case may be: students has a memorable, transformation experience up there on the cold, rainy Sonoma coast. We are stronger as a community but now have to destabilize, find our home again in the classroom and the routine of the schoolweek.

Students are compiling thoughtful portfolios this week to document and reflect on their learning so far this year. You’ll see those in the weeks to come, and even be assigned to review and comment on it as part of the assessment progress. It’s a feedback triangle: parents, students, and teachers come together to support student learning. The portfolios will augment and support the progress reports you’ll see later this week, and I think you’ll enjoy seeing all the great work they’ve put into them.

We are publishing a Chanterelle this week on personal essay. They began sharing in the Author’s Chair today as we enjoyed delicious butttermilk biscuits made by our own Ukayla (Lauren) with what was left in the churn after butter making. Please help your child remember to bring in their Fort Ross journal tomorrow, as well, because our next Chanterelle will be a collection of Fort Ross stories–historical fiction.

This is library week in Cerrito Creek, which means a few things. We will reorganize our library by genre, because we believe it will help students find and choose books more efficiently. We build our library through donations, and we lose many books every year when students don’t return them–if you have old books at your house that you’re done with and would like to donate, please add to our collection. We are setting new reading goals for this term.

We will soon begin a chemistry unit, so look forward to conversations about physical vs. chemical changes, states of matter, elements, and matter vs. energy.

Lastly, we are MAP testing this week and early next, so look forward to a second round of results in the weeks to come.





  • 4th grade has two options
  • 5th grade does 20 minutes of Khan on adding/subtracting fractions with unlike denominators (I’ve assigned them to you) and should finish the reducing Mad Minute from class today

Wordly Wise: 2-3 pages

Reading: 20 minutes, as usual

Please bring back your Fort Ross journal


Progress reports will be coming home soon: please consider how you would like to share them with your child. Focus on what is going well, and discuss the opportunities for growth. Note that we have an in-depth assessment process in class, so students are well-aware of their strengths and challenges–few of the comments or checkboxes will be surprising to them.

Math: 4th graders have none b/c they did MAP testing today, 5th graders should spend approximately twenty minutes on their packet from this week and/or Khan, working on fractions, decimals, and percents.

Write: Finish your final journal entry in your Fort Ross diary. Bring the diary back tomorrow!!!

Spelling: practice your words in your packet

Read: as long as you can…


Math: 4th graders finish the work you began today; 5th graders have none

Write: Finish drafting your Ft. Ross historical fiction

Read: 20+ min.


Study your spelling words tonight. Rock the quiz tomorrow!

4th graders have unfinished business in math, 5th graders have the night off.

Writers should continue drafting and revising their Fort Ross journals. You can even start typing them on Google Classroom!