- 4th grade: area of a triangle
- 5th grade: begin the problem of the week. All worksheets can be found here for this week.
Worldy Wise: 2-3 pages
Reading: 20 minutes or so. Think about and work on the C.A.F.E goal you set today.
- 4th grade: packet due Thursday (pages 2,3,4)
- 5th grade: Tues hw, problem of the week. All worksheets can be found here for this week.
Writing: finish typing up your Fort Ross piece on Classroom. Turn it in once you have proofread.
Reading: 20 minutes or so. Think about and work on the C.A.F.E goal you set today.
- 4th grade: same as yesterday
- 5th grade: finish geoboard area from today if you can, and work on POW. Don’t forget to eat a snack and get some exercise if you need a break, and don’t go beyond 20 or 30 minutes.
Wear comfy shoes for Shoreline cleanup tomorrow!
Practice spelling.
Read! We have been setting all kinds of goals lately, choosing good books, and doing lots of reading. Ask your child what they plan to read over the break…we’ll send them home with a book on Friday, so make sure they carve out some time each day over the break to SSR.
- 4th grade: none
- 5th grade: Thurs hw and POW.
Practice spelling.
Check out Aiden’s blog if you have a chance. He’s in Miami!
Have a great Presiden’t Week break!!!!!
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