Sometimes I get an idea as a teacher that both excites me and makes me a little nervous at the same time– the time I turned the whole school into a Gold Rush town, for example, or when I hauled a fleet of hand-built prairie schooner wagons with all the students dressed in bonnets and marching for Rad American Women. Today’s bike trip was another one of those, where I knew the thing had intrinsic value, that the trip would empower students by helping them confront and overcome a genuine challenge by careful planning, communication, and personal endeavor, but also that there was an element of risk–manageable, but enough to make me a little anxious.
The students did amazingly well today. They biked 19.8 miles all said and done (wow!), took in the impressive Rosie the Riveter museum in Richmond, gobbled their lunches down, learned about some of the fantastic trail resources we have in the East Bay, and took care of their bodies. There were a few minor wipeouts–always because of the students crowding each other–but the worst we’ll have tomorrow are some sore thighs and butts. I hope we ignited their curiosity about bikes and this incredible place we live. Have a great weekend.
Also, great Maker workshop coming up at TBS May 7:
Some Cerrito students are already signed up!
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