A few photos from the big show last night! If you have some to share, please email them to me and I can add them to this gallery. So good to see you all last night. The students were understandably tired today from the late night, but we had a nice day watching a Disney film on the gold rush called Bullwhip Griffin, writing cinquain poetry to reflect on the night, and having a regular math class. Business as usual!
When we made up our minds that we were going to write an adaptation of Chasing Secrets for the stage, we knew it wasn’t going to be easy–we’d never tried writing an adaptation before, much less guided twenty ten-or-so year olds to write one. Yet here we are, about a month later, ready to perform nine acts that include eighteen different characters and five original songs. The students all know their lines and stage directions. A few have to cobble together costumes tonight, but we are otherwise ready for our dress rehearsal and performance tomorrow evening. Thank you for all your support. We look forward to performing, and to the quiet lull that will follow when we dive back into normalcy and routine.
No homework on Thursday either!
Also, this from admin:
Thursday, June 2 is our fifth annual TBS Walkathon, raising awareness about the many service learning partnerships that classrooms have had all year. All K-8 students will walk to the ECC with their buddies in different classes, be greeted by our cheering ECCers with thirst-quenching lemonade to offer, then walk to Ohlone Park for lunch and a field day celebration.
We would love for families to show students your support, cheering along the Ohlone park walking route (map here), anytime between 10-11a. It’s a visible way of showing students their efforts are meaningful–the more the merrier!!!
As a reminder: That day, K-8 students will need to bring a bag lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, and wear good walking shoes.
We need adult volunteers the day of the Walkathon–can you help? Please sign up here
Drive lunches & equipment to/from park 10:30-11:30a or 1:30-2p
Clean up Ohlone park 1:15-1:45p
Be on call to drive students too tired to walk (“Sag Wagon”) 9:45-11:30am or 1:30-2:00p
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