Students shared artifacts with partners this morning. Then the partners shared the artifacts with the groups–an exercise that encourages active listening. We’re getting to know each other a little better each day.
Reporting on a 21-day boat trip to Antarctica!
Julia taught a writer’s workshop lesson today on the the 7 traits of good writing (that’s at least the number we are using). Students will do a little writing for homework.
The art teachers, Julianne and Emily, shared their artwork as a way to introduce themselves to the class.
This is an intriguing piece by Emily with thousands of holes punched through it.
Students are figuring out the lunchtime routine.
A game of “Crop-it” in cultural studies had students finding locations in the US.
Bliss, the division head and a dear old colleague from my first years as an assistant teacher, read a favorite book to the class this afternoon.
More choice time this afternoon featured Apples to Apples, Bananagrams, Battleship, and Scattergories.
A beautiful hummingbird moth visited our garden this afternoon.
Finish rough draft of your quick publish piece. It should be about two pages, double-spaced, on lined notebook paper. You have a graphic organizer in the blue folder of your binder that should help you structure your piece. Happy writing, I can’t wait to read them all!
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