Cerrito Creek is currently wrapping up a unit on electricity, magnetism, and energy by doing a research project on renewable energy. It’s a short introduction to research in the form of a Google Presentation. It furthermore provides a reason for why we study these things. In the language of the Next Generation Science Standards, climate change is an “anchoring phenomenon,” or something that gives genuine purpose to even elementary science.

We are furthermore hightailing our way through over three hundred years of history, from Columbus to the Louisiana Purchase. We made colorful timelines today of the period, and examined primary source documents of the Declaration of Independence, Boston Tea Party, col0nial currency, etc. last week. We keep comparing this early history with current events; it’s striking how many poignant similarities there are–Standing Rock, for example, has many precedents. Speaking of which, thank you to those of you who donated supplies for Craig Merrick to bring to the camp. He picked them up today in his big truck, and will soon make the journey to North Dakota as the camp prepares for the presidential transition.

Thursday Homework

Sign L and C simulation permission slip

Math: 4th grade rounding worksheet; 5th grade 33-35 in Spectrum. Finish this week’s packet if you haven’t, inlcuding POW.

Study your spelling words.

Read! and continue the response journal you started today.