I hope this blog finds you all warm and dry. I’ll write more later this week. Here’s a look at some essential questions for the slavery unit that are food for thought. They’re always a work in progress:


  • In what ways does the history/memory of slavery inform the collective socio-political consciousness of African Americans today?
  • What language/terminology is appropriate to use when we talk about slavery?
  • What were the economic drivers of slavery and how did those supercede moral and ethical concerns?
  • What economic opportunities and political representation existed for African Americans after slavery?
  • What themes emerge in the art, music, and literature of African Americans related to slavery and slave heritage?


Read–that’s the most important homework you ever have. 20 minutes or much more IN YOUR NEW READING GROUP BOOK.

Write–Yeah, that’s important, too. Write 3 paragraphs about your favorite park. It could be in Berkeley, it could be in Bali. Whatever works for you!

Compute–4th graders do the third page, front and back, of your packet. 5th graders have no math homework.

Spell– get on Quizlet and practice the astronomy terms you’ll be using all month. Spelling AND definitions. Quiz Thursday