You’ve been informed, but perhaps you forgot: it’s Puberty Ed week. I am personally so grateful the school hires the wonderful Jennifer Devine to run these four days of coming-of-age education.  She is so honest, informative, and caring.

Julia is taking the helm this week, while I take careful notes in the back of the classroom on student participation, etc. This is the final hurdle for her in the BATTI Master of Arts in Education program. She graduates in early May, so make sure to give her a congratulations–she’s a gifted educator.

We are more than halfway to Oregon, and students will continue writing extensively in their Oregon Trail diaries this week, while helping write the script and music for our performance in May. Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities–anyone want to help build a wagon or silkscreen t-shirts?


Reading, 20 minutes

Continue memorizing Jabberwocky!

Finish AAAWWUUBIS worksheet and “Do Women Have Brains?” reading/questions.

Math: 4th grade area worksheet