Happy Monday all. I hope you had a great weekend. Just a reminder that you can download all the documents from Back to School Night, and in fact read more deeply into our practices and curriculum in Cerrito than I was able to go in one short hour, by clicking on the category on the right side of this post. The field trip and event calendar will be of particular use, and corrects some of the typos on the permission form we sent home last week.

Note that we are introducing some technology elements in the classroom this week, including Google Classroom, a forum for us to post assignments, and Quizlet, a nice resource for studying spellings words. Your child can access both of these by entering their Berkeley School username and password. It’s probably easiest to login to http://www.classroom.google.com, then follow the link to the appropriate Quizlet sort. Your child should know which group they are in. If I were a student, here’s what it would look like for me.

username: michaels@theberkeleyschool.org

I will refrain from writing the password, but I will tell you that it is the word “grad” with you child’s year of graduation after it, no spaces, all lowercase.

On that note, spelling is highly differentiated in 4/5, with five different spelling groups, and each student with a custom weekly list of words. That’s because everyone has different needs. It’s a lot to manage, but we have created sound organizational systems that allow us to do it effectively. Students can move between groups as assessment shows they are ready. We have a quiz each Friday, which students study for throughout the week. I find spelling practice to be one of the more innocuous homework activities to do with my own children, and I hope you might find it a nice Thursday night routine, as well.

Have a great week.


nothing new…mazel tov!

If students are not celebrating Rosh Hashanah, they might choose to study their spelling words (either from the list in their assignment planner or on Quizlet), finish up any lingering math homework from the week, and keep up their nightly reading.