Upcoming dates
Tuesday, December 12: Mission Dolores and Precita Eyes Mural Tour field trip. We need two chaperones. Please email if you would like to ride BART with us to SF that day, 9-3.
Thursday, December 7, 6-7 pm: Fort Ross Info Night. Parents only, and if you plan on chaperoning / leading a role group at Fort Ross, you must attend. We will be in Cerrito Creek. Prepare to meet Ivan Kuskov!
Homework (Thursday)
SSR for 20 minutes. A few of you have specific books or readings you have been assigned, but most are reading fiction books of their choice.
Write another 1-2 page persuasive essay. Choose a territory you feel passionately about!
Khan Academy grammar practice! Remember to leave the apostrophe assignments alone until Hannah has taught her lesson tomorrow. Do 2 activities this evening. Remember, you can access it through Google Classroom, and sign in with Google.
- 4th grade: finish multiplication packet
- 5th grade: packet due Friday. If you finish this decimal place value work early, see me for an extension/challenge!
Spelling practice. If you like Quizlet, use that. If not, practice the old-fashioned way…
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