Fort Ross 2017-18

This is the homepage for all things related to Cerrito Creek’s 2018 trip to Fort Ross. This is the link to the Fort Ross ELP homepage. Trip dates: Thursday, February 1, 7:30 am to Friday, February 2, 4:00 pm Roles: Click on the heading to read up on your role and responsibilities. Cooks Militia Clerks […]

Mission Dolores, Precita Eyes…descanso de invierno

Tuesday we head to Mission Dolores as the culmination of our study of Spanish colonialism in California. We will also view the Precita Eyes murals and hopefully gain some inspiration as we plan to engage a changing world later this year. Photos to come! We are also heading toward publication of our second Chanterelle, which […]


Homework Reading: at least 10 pages in your SSR book (or whatever you have been assigned) Writing: Write about the science lab today. You should have five short paragraphs. The first one reads something like this: Today in science, we investigated how much salt we could dissolve in 50 mL of water before the solution […]