Ft Ross Prep, Kelp Forest 1/22-26

Homework has been the same all week: Reading: keep up with your reading group assignment Ft Ross Journal: 1-2 pages each night. Wednesday prompt: You witness a tragedy at the fort. What happened?! Math: 4th grade has a 2-sided worksheet 5th grade: packet and POW (hard!) Get ready for Fort Ross! Start putting your costume […]

2.5 weeks to Fort Ross 1/16-19

Does that title make you anxious to come in and meet with your role group? We hope so! Thanks to the cooks for breaking the ice today, and making aprons with your excited employees. We want to see all of you a few times over the next few weeks, so please let us know when […]

Science & Technology at TBS

Many of you know our school’s mission by heart: “Ignite curious minds, awaken generous hearts, engage a changing world.” That lays out a path to guide our students’ future. We have two vision statements that help us picture aspects of our destination: our Science Vision and our Technology Vision. TBS Vision for Science & Tech Education […]

Muir Beach, Report Writing Day, MLK Day 1/8-11

Muir beach was a smashing success, complete with great blue heron, misty rain, dune habitat restoration, and lots of smiles. Here are the photos. Thank you parent driver chaperones!!! No school on Friday, as we teachers are deep into report writing. Homework 4th grade math worksheet 5th grade Khan for 20 minutes. Decimal unit test […]

¡Feliz año nuevo! 1/2/2018

Welcome back. Whether you were globetrotting or kicking it back in front of the new Star Wars movie, I hope it was a happy, relaxing holiday. It’s Fort Ross prep month, we are beginning a semester-long marine biology unit, another round of literature circles start tomorrow, and we are publishing persuasive essays in our next […]