Welcome back. Whether you were globetrotting or kicking it back in front of the new Star Wars movie, I hope it was a happy, relaxing holiday. It’s Fort Ross prep month, we are beginning a semester-long marine biology unit, another round of literature circles start tomorrow, and we are publishing persuasive essays in our next Chanterelle this month. Look forward to lots of related curriculum. Also, teachers will have their heads down in progress report writing the next few weeks.
We do a watershed restoration project next Wednesday at Muir Beach, and we need some more drivers/chaperones. Please sign up here if you can join us.
Read 20 minutes. Each student has an assigned book right now, and the next time lit circles convene is on Monday, so get going on your assignment.
Practice your spelling words on Quizlet
4th grade: Khan Academy math practice; 5th grade: page 105
Write one page in your writer’s notebook. It’s your choice from here on out. Let’s write and write and write. Remember Hannah’s wisdom: A writer is a person who writes. That’s you. Get going.
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