September 24-28, 2018

Building community in school and beyond I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many of you at the Fall Fest on Sunday, crooning and picking with my bandmates for y’all. And yum on that chicken. Thank you, Araxi and the advancement team, including the multitude of volunteers that made it happen. In my experience, the better community […]


One student escaped my portrait efforts today, but I will make sure to get them tomorrow! A question from Back to School Night that went unanswered: someone wanted to know how best to communicate with the teachers. Email for logistics, phone calls for more substantive check-ins, meetings for circling the wagons with your child’s learning […]

First full week, BTS night 9/10-14

See many of you Thursday for Back to School Night! We will talk and experience curriculum and methodology in the 4/5. If you can’t make it, be sure to check the Back to School Night link in the Categories bar to the right of the blog. If you haven’t seen the Cerrito calendar yet, which […]

Quick Publish, Birthdays, and Homework 9/4-7

Dear Cerrito families, Welcome to week two! I will write more in these next few weeks as we get oriented, because there is so much to tell. Make sure to make it out to Back to School Night next Thursday, 9/13, so we can tell it to you in person, as well. First, students published […]