This week, we will finish gizmos, publish a Chanterelle, and try our darndest to stay healthy. Below, enjoy a gallery of student artwork from the wonderful Art Show, a Talent Friday that was a Canadian trivia quiz, the emerging gizmos, fifth graders mastering the standard multiplication algorithm, and a lepiota rachodes, or shaggy parasol mushroom.

Tuesday 2/12/19 9:00 -3:00 k/5 Art and Spanish classes will meet in the art studio. This is our annual demonstration visit of Master Wood Carver Jesus Sosa from Oaxaca Mexico. He will be holding a sale of his work and work from his neighbors. He is selling small carvings ranging from $10.,$15., $20 and on up, so you may choose whether or not to let your child bring money tomorrow.

We will assist students in selecting and purchasing Alebrijes from Jesus.

This one day sale is on The University Campus, 1310 University Ave. from 3:00 to 6 PM on the labyrinth.

Thursday is Valentine’s Day, of course, and students are excited to exchange cards in the spirit of friendship and giving ( and NOT romance ;). I will email a class list for privacy reasons, so you can address the Valentines appropriately. Please avoid sending in candy. Thanks.



  • fourth grade has a 2-sided worksheet due Wednesday and Friday
  • fifth grade has a clearly-marked packet with nightly assignments

Writing:Four entries, one page per night.

  • Mom told me to look left and look right before I crossed the street. But she never told me to look up! I was about halfway across when BOOM! It fell from the sky and landed right in front of me. Well, finders, keepers…
  • Garret and Clayton were excited as they boarded the plane to visit their grandparents’ farm in New York. But they were going to miss all the things they usually saw when their father drove them to the farm.
  • The ball crashed through the window. “Oh, no,” Alex said aloud. “Who’s in trouble now?”
  • The first one had been perfect. Then the second one, well, near perfect. Could I get three in a row and win? I held my breath and tried not to think of the crowd.

Reading: Every night. Start looking for a book for the holiday. You will read and finish a whole novel over the break.

Wordly Wise: you have been assigned lesson 6 for all the levels. You should know which level is yours.