Blackhawk Museum Thursday, 4/29-5/3

Blackhawk Museum Thursday Thank you volunteer drivers! We need two more to make the trip go, so please sign up here if you can join us from 11:30 to 3:30 on Thursday. We head to Sacramento via train next Tuesday, so prepare to meet us at the Berkeley Amtrak Station on Fourth Street a little […]

Earth Day, Cohen-Bray 4/22-26

Field trip to Cohen-Bray House on Wednesday. For students that like tacos, you don’t have to pack a lunch! We will BART to Fruitvale, walk about 20 minutes to the Cohen-Bray House, a historical landmark and family home of 4/5 teacher Julia Shields. We will tour the Victorian home, draw, write, garden, and eat tacos […]

Rad Women, 4/15-19

Welcome back! Welcome back everyone! We hope that you all had enjoyable breaks, be with your feet up at home with a good book, or on the road and in the air, exploring what this amazing world has to offer and spending quality time with loved ones! We are hitting the ground running in our […]

Fools of April, Poets, and the Joy of Reading 4/1-5

For the Joy of Reading This week is all about reading…yay! Students will stop, drop, and read for ten minutes twice a day this week when the kindergarteners ring the gong. Please fill your rucksack with literature of all kinds, because variety is the spice of a reading life. We have two author experiences this […]