Dear Cerrito Creek Families,
We hope you are revelling in all that summer has to bring. In the midst of our own rest and relaxation, come moments of thinking about the year to come, and so the excitement of new community and deep learning builds. What follows is a note about your teacher as well as a list of classroom supplies and upcoming dates. Please save the date of August 25th for the TBS Family Potluck at Arlington Park in El Cerrito from 12:00-2:00p.
Classroom Supply List
Please be sure your child has the following items for the first day of school. Teachers will guide students to implement organizational systems in fourth and fifth grade that will support them throughout their academic careers and personal lives. The tools below will help them begin to establish sound organizational habits.
- One 2-inch, 3-ring binder with zipper closure. Mead makes a good one. If you bought one last year that is still in good shape, please reuse it. The zipper is important so papers do not fall out.
- Two folders that comes 3-hole punched and snaps into the binder. The more durable, the better, as this will house your homework for the year. Make sure you have a backpack big enough for the binder. Optional: Lined notebook paper in your binder
Students are responsible for bringing their own snacks and lunches each day. Those who sign up for hot lunch should still bring their own snacks, as one is not provided in 4/5. Water cups will be provided by teachers.
Upcoming Events to Put on Your Calendar
TBS Family Potluck – Sunday, August 25, 12:00- 2:00p at Arlington Park in El Cerrito
This potluck is a festive welcome to the 19-20 school year for the whole school. Please note that the email you received last month with the classroom directory erroneously listed August 25 as a Saturday; this potluck will indeed take place on Sunday, August 25.
Classroom Sneak Peek – Tuesday, August 27, 10:45 – 11:45a
Drop off your classroom materials, find your cubby, and say hello to your teachers before school starts the next day.
First Day of School – Wednesday, August 28
School begins at 8:30a, which means students should plan to arrive by 8:20. The gong will ring at 8:27, the front gate will close at 8:30. Students are late if they’re not in their classrooms at 8:30a — no more grace time. More info will be coming soon about drop-off, pick-up and extended care options.
K-5 Back to School Night – Thursday, September 12, 6:00 – 8:00p
Families are invited to campus to learn more about what we have in store for your children this year. There is no childcare for this event so please be sure to make other arrangements for your children. Light refreshments will be available and meters are free beginning at 6:00p.
Fall Fest – Sunday, September 22, 11:00 – 2:00p
This annual all-school event is the first opportunity our families on both campuses have to spend time together as a full TBS community. We all gather at our University Avenue Campus for an autumn celebration to kick off the school year with food, music, and family fun!
Photo Day – Friday, September 27
Our school photographer will be on campus to take individual and class photos for all K-8 students.
We are brimming with excitement for the upcoming school year and look forward to a new community of learners. Have a relaxing end to your summer and get ready for a year of new experiences, adventures, and a lot of hands on learning!
And rising 5th graders, a reminder that you were given summer homework! Let us know if you have any questions. Our email addresses are linked below.
All the best,
Rachel Forbes & Sam Snook