Upcoming Events and Special Dates: 

Monday, Jan. 20th— NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King jr. Day.

Saturday, Jan. 25- 11:00-3:00 PM— Fort Ross baking, pickling & costuming

All Cerrito students, and especially the Ft. Ross Cooks team (+ ideally some parent helpers) are needed for a Russian tea cookie baking and veggie pickling session in the TBS Depot on a Saturday. We will make several batches of both cookies and pickles, to be eaten during our Ft. Ross adventure. 

At the same time, if you’d like help transforming your costume into 19th century Russian -style…please stop by for some sewing help. Please bring: white/plain button down shirts, caps, aprons, skirts, vests—we can add trim, fur etc.  Jen Pett-Ridge will bring 2 sewing machines and some fabric/trims. Additional volunteers and materials are welcome! Strawberry Creek families are also welcome.

Please sign up for this event on the sign up sheet.

Monday, Jan. 27 and Feb. 3- 2:10-3:00—Fur Hat Sewing in Class 

Parents are invited to support Cerrito students in making “fur” hats for Ft. Ross during 2 separate in-class workshops! We will need families to donate sewing machines for this as well, and invite parents to come and help supervise and assist in sewing.

Sunday, Jan. 26th— WinterFest!

Thursday, Jan. 30th— Art Show Opening

Thursday-Friday, Feb. 6-7— Cerrito goes to Fort Ross!

Digital Citizenship with Stephen

Next week in Social/Emotional Health class we will begin our 6 week Digital Citizenship cycle. We’ll be following the Digital Citizenship curriculum from Common Sense Media. CSM is a fantastic resource for families as well – if you’re curious, check out https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

In the first class we will review the Responsible Use Policy for technology – you have access to your parent copy through BigSis. We will go over these expectations with students and they will bring home a copy to review with you at home. I’m excited to help your students engage in a changing digital world!

Scholastic Book Orders

It’s not too late to order books for the month of January. If you are interested in purchasing books for your ever growing reader, check out this month’s offerings from Scholastic Book Clubs.  These books are typically cheaper than buying them at a bookstore and you can check out recommended reads from your teachers by looking for the star icon. Books are organized by grade and can often be searched by reading level also. 

Linked here are the 4th grade and 5th grade flyers. When you browse online, you have access to all the different catalogs from grade levels, so younger and older readers aren’t left out! Please use this link to access the website, and use class code W6RVJ when signing up your child to connect to Teacher Samantha Snook. Please pay for books of your choice through the website rather than sending in checks. Through this site we have the opportunity to build our classroom libraries by getting credit from your purchases. Submit your orders by the January 29th for the maximum bonus points. Happy shopping!

Here are some pictures from our first meeting with our Ft. Ross officers.