Cerrito jump-starts new science exploration

Upcoming Events: Thursday, March 5 & Friday March 6: Parent-Teacher Conferences March 20th: Chinatown field trip- you can sign up to chaperone here! March 26th, 8:30-9:15: Parents are invited to come view the opening of our Marine Ecosystem classroom transformation. March 27th, 1:30-2:00: Another time parents can come view student learning. April 15th: Angel Island field trip- chaperone and […]

No rest for the weary…at least not yet!

We’re back from Fort Ross and we aren’t slowing down! Check out what Cerrito was up to this week and our calendar of highlights for the rest of the year! Events for the rest of the year in Cerrito! Monday, Feb. 17- Friday, Feb. 21— NO SCHOOL for Midwinter Recess Thursday, March 5 & Friday March […]

Homework Guidelines Revised

Dear Parents,  We are revising our Homework program in response to feedback from some parents. We also surveyed our students on their homework experience. Our biggest take-away is that, just like the range of students we have in our classroom, we received a wide range of responses in regard to students’ experience with homework.  While […]