That’s a Wrap on our US maps!

As we wrap up 2024, here are some highlights from Cerrito Creek class. Cultural Studies Cerrito students completed their biggest fall project were able to show them off at November’s VIP Day. We would love for you to take a look too! Following their investigations into the US states, regions, and Indigenous cultural regions, Cerritans […]

No rest for the weary…at least not yet!

We’re back from Fort Ross and we aren’t slowing down! Check out what Cerrito was up to this week and our calendar of highlights for the rest of the year! Events for the rest of the year in Cerrito! Monday, Feb. 17- Friday, Feb. 21— NO SCHOOL for Midwinter Recess Thursday, March 5 & Friday March […]

Back from Break with Our Noses to the Grindstone

Upcoming Events:  Friday, Dec. 6th- NO SCHOOL for Report Writing   Thursday, Dec. 19th, 11:30-2:20- Asian Art Museum field trip— Students will take BART to San Francisco for an engaging storytelling tour about tricksters from different countries in Asia! Friday, Dec. 20th, 9:15-10:15- Winter Celebration — Join us for our Winter Celebration assembly before break! *DUE BY […]

Summer Homework for Rising 5th and 6th Graders

Thank you, Cerrito families, for all your support and encouragement throughout the year! We had a year of growth and learning and it wouldn’t have been possible without the love and care you all have brought to Cerrito Creek. It seems like it was only yesterday when all of your fresh and smiling faces walked […]