
I. Hardware in Cerrito Creek : 24 Chromebooks, 12 iPads, SmartBoard, readers, personal machines (some students byo device to support their learning needs). II. Google Classroom: TBS has created a (very) stripped down Google account for each student in the 4/5. They have no access to Gmail, Google Plus, or any other chatting platforms. They will […]

Social and Emotional Learning

I. Community Agreements a. Logical Consequences are how we address breaches of the agreements. They are: loss of privilege, take a break, and you break it you fix it. II.  Community Meetings: every Thursday at 2:30. a. Community Meeting Notebook: a place to record community concerns and conflict for discussion in the meeting. Students date entries […]

Back to School Night Agenda

Back to School Night, September 13, 2018, 6-7:45 pm 6:45 Introductions Mike Sinclaire–lead teacher Hannah Sippl–assistant teacher and BATTI resident Miriam Moya, Bethany Goldblum–room coordinators 7:00  Weekly and yearly schedule, field trips, social/emotional learning, birthdays 7:15 Curriculum overview: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Cultural Studies 7:35 Homework, Assessment, Staying in Touch 7:45 Goodnight!

Teacher Profile: Mike Sinclaire

Hi, and welcome to Cerrito Creek. My name is Mike Sinclaire, and I have been the lead teacher in the class since 2008. I came into teaching through outdoor education; I was a camp counselor in Wisconsin for years, led backpacking and climbing trips across the West, and was a kayaking guide in Point Reyes. […]

Teacher Profile: Hannah Sippl

  Hello Families! My name is Hannah Sippl, and I am so glad to be the assistant teacher in Cerrito Creek this year. This is my third year at TBS and my second year working with Mike as a resident of BATTI (Bay Area Teacher Training Institute). I graduated from Mills College with a BA […]

Cultural Studies

    California  2017-18 I. Geography Know: location of California’s major waterways, landforms, natural resources etc. Understand: California has attracted human settlement throughout time because of   its bounty of natural resources.  Do: Draw a detailed California map to be displayed in the classroom. II. Native Californians, Explorers, Missionaries, and Rancheros Know:  major tribal groups, European […]


Mike and Kendra teach fifth grade math. Julia and Hannah teach fourth. Teachers mix up their partnerships so we always have a homeroom teacher with each of the students. Julia and Kendra’s Strawberry Creek blog ( and is just a click away (at the top of the page) for day-to-day information on fourth-grade math. Throughout […]

Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop

Reader’s Workshop Sustained Silent Reading  + Conferencing – teachers guide students to choose “just right books” to read for 40+ minutes each day (20 minutes at school, 20+ minutes at home). Teachers teach mini-lessons (mostly on comprehension strategies, but also on how to keep a reading log, choose great books, etc.), and then conference with students […]


Scientists in Cerrito Creek develop scientific habits through extensive reading, writing, mini-lessons, short films (Brainpop is an oft-used resource), and laboratory practice. Collaborative small group work is the norm, and teachers scaffold these by assigning roles, providing rubrics, and emphasizing goal-setting and reflection. We use Lawrence Hall of Science’s FOSS kits, which are both materials […]