Great photos from the Exploratorium

Thank you chaperones for the best experience I have had as a teacher at the Exploratorium. You succeeded in getting the students to think about the science behind the intriguing exhibits. As the photos reveal, students were deep in thought trying to explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism, following wires between batteries and switches, […]

Top 10 Ways to Keep Your Friends

No homework again for night two of Rosh Hashana. Some great photos of a social life lesson this afternoon, though. Check out the list of the top ten ways to keep your friends: THE TOP 10 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR FRIENDS 1. SHOW THEM KINDNESS AND RESPECT 2. STICK UP FOR THEM 3. BE SUPPORTIVE […]

No homework for Rosh Hashana

Please note that students do not have homework assignments for tonight and tomorrow night, due to Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year holiday. Also, a field trip permission slip comes home with students today for the Exploratorium next Tuesday, September 30th. We are able to take one more parent chaperone, so please click here if […]

Electromagnets and much more

Homework Math 4th grade fractions and bingo; 5th graders write about the Cookie Combos in your packet Science: Draw and write about the electromagnets today. Writing should probably be about half a page. How does an electromagnet work? Read: 20 minutes and write a paragraph that synthesizes the summary you wrote today (what ideas do […]

State Research Projects

Homework: Math: 4th graders play the game twice; 5th graders do “Mon hw” (a worksheet on exponents) Cultural Studies: read about your state and highlight the facts from your rubric Read! at least twenty minutes and fill out the log on your planner

Back to School Night Agenda

Back to School Night, September 13, 2018, 6-7:45 pm 6:45 Introductions Mike Sinclaire–lead teacher Hannah Sippl–assistant teacher and BATTI resident Miriam Moya, Bethany Goldblum–room coordinators 7:00  Weekly and yearly schedule, field trips, social/emotional learning, birthdays 7:15 Curriculum overview: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Cultural Studies 7:35 Homework, Assessment, Staying in Touch 7:45 Goodnight!

Teacher Profile: Mike Sinclaire

Hi, and welcome to Cerrito Creek. My name is Mike Sinclaire, and I have been the lead teacher in the class since 2008. I came into teaching through outdoor education; I was a camp counselor in Wisconsin for years, led backpacking and climbing trips across the West, and was a kayaking guide in Point Reyes. […]

Teacher Profile: Hannah Sippl

  Hello Families! My name is Hannah Sippl, and I am so glad to be the assistant teacher in Cerrito Creek this year. This is my third year at TBS and my second year working with Mike as a resident of BATTI (Bay Area Teacher Training Institute). I graduated from Mills College with a BA […]