Hello Cerrito Families!
What a week we have had! It was full of special schedules, fun activities, field trips, dancing, costumes, and sugar!
Monday was Recycled Runway! Students built costumes with their buddies out of recycled materials. We saw robots, microwaves, spongebob and so much more. The opportunity to let creativity flow and collaborate with someone allowed students to push their ideas and create something awesome. They were also able to connect students in other grades and celebrate each other’s work.
Tuesday was Halloween! The parade was fantastic and they loved being someone else for a few hours together. We celebrated by writing scary stories and learning “Said is dead” and listing synonyms for writing. Science was extra spooky as they entered the sensory lab and had to identify what the goblin’s ears, witches teeth, zombie fingers and more, really were.
5th grade math students collected candy wrappers to sort into categories and graph as a group. They worked on identifying what categories they wanted to show on their graph and started taping wrappers!
Wednesday was Dia de los Muertos! Students showed off the beautiful creations they made in Art and Spanish as well as a traditional dance they learned from Cesar.
Friday Field trip: Oakland Ballet Luna Mexicana! A quick trip to Oakland to see a beautiful performance full of color and magic.
While all of this can be very exciting it can also be challenging and disregulating. I don’t doubt you felt it at home. In class we had a number of conversations about how to speak kindly to each other when asking for what you need.