Happy New Year Cerrito Families!

We hope you had a wonderful and restful break and hope returning to the routine has been easeful this week. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and kind words of appreciation and your generosity  at the end of the year. It was great to see students again on Wednesday, and hear about their adventures and time they had to do their own thing!

This week we got to welcome Samantha back from her maternity leave! We talked about how we will use the month of January to transition her to lead teacher before Julia leaves for her maternity leave at the end of January (tentative Jan 26th).

Portfolios: Today, students were sent home with their portfolios. This has graded work as well as work they have chosen to include. We send this home in tandem with the progress reports so you have examples of work we have mentioned in their narratives. PARENT HOMEWORK! Please write your child a letter, highlighting strengths you read in their progress reports and saw in their portfolios as well as identifying a goal you have for them in the new year. Please include this at the front of their portfolio and help students return them by Friday Jan 12th.

We also started the year off with reflections and goal setting. Students used self assessments based on progress report criteria to identify a goal they would like to accomplish or start in the next two weeks. We used the format of SMART goals to create structure and a plan to meet this goal.

Students also gave us feedback on things they would like more of and less of in Cerrito Creek in 2024. We appreciate hearing from students about what is working for them and what is not working for them.

Here are some pictures of students preparing the Cerritoberry Feast! It was wonderful having you all in the classroom and giving students an audience for all of their hard work on their Element projects. I don’t have many pictures because my hands were full!


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