Cultural Studies

Movements of the People   Our theme this year is “Movements of the People”. This is an expansion from our essential question from years past of “Why do people move?” This year students will be exploring historical moments of migration and immigration in the United States as well as moments of resistance, revolution, and social […]

Reading and Writing

Reading Sustained Silent Reading  + Conferencing – teachers guide students to choose “just right books” to read for 45+ minutes each day (15-20 minutes at school, 30+ minutes at home). Teachers teach mini-lessons (mostly on comprehension strategies, but also on how to keep a reading log, choose great books, etc.), and then conference with students […]


Technology is a well used tool in 4th and 5th grade! Cerrito Tech 411 The above link will give you all of the tip you need to help your student login at home and locate the work they need on google classroom. The Cerrito Creek landing page has links to the most used websites such […]

4th and 5th Mathematics

Julia Shields teaches fifth grade math and Samantha Snook teaches fourth. Bridges mathematics curriculum is the backbone of math learning in 4th and 5th grade. Teachers will move through the 8 possible units at a pace dictated by the students through pre-assessments and checkpoints throughout the unit. Teachers also integrate other curricula to create a […]