
Many thanks to our room parents Erika,  Lucca’s mom, Jill, Arlo’s mom, and Kelly, Ruby G’s mom  who made almost 100 cookies for the holiday craft.

Thank you Erika for working with the children making the garlands.


After saying goodbye to Fall, we represented and celebrated many Winter holidays through songs, stories, and art projects. Our celebrations included Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. The children had a wonderful time exploring and learning about the diverse winter traditions celebrated across different cultures.

Hope Alper

We had a guest author, Hope Alper, who came to read her book, “The Chanukah Bears of Marin Circle”. After the story, the children eagerly asked her questions about her book and how she wrote it.


Holiday crafts

The children made a Snowy Winter Tree holiday craft. They painted a pine cone, put glitter on it, and arranged the “snow” (cookies) around it. The cookies were made by Erika, Jill, and Kelly. They had a lot of fun doing it, and were very excited and proud to give it to their family.

Julianne, our art teacher, made little tree craft with pipe cleaners. The children wrapped colorful pipe cleaners around a cone, making the shape of a festive pine tree!


Erika visited our classroom to help everyone make garlands. She brought popcorn and dried oranges, and helped the children thread them through string. They made beautiful holiday decorations!



Cooking project

To celebrate Hanukkah, we made latkes! Our cooking team was Leila and Lucca. They were great at shredding the potatoes and mixing the ingredients. We fried them in the classroom, and everyone loved them!

Traveling scholars

These weeks, our traveling scholars were: Rishi, Sasha, Lucca, and Rami. Our visitors were Alex, Layla, Oscar, and Sunny. They all had a great time exploring a different classroom.



We celebrated Luke’s birthday. He turned 4! Happy Birthday, Luke!!

Holiday potluck

The families came for our Holiday Potluck. They joined us in the sing-a-long of holiday songs, and the children did a great job performing the borriquito dance. After singing and dancing, everyone ate together. Thank you all for contributing to the potluck, and for coming to celebrate with us. We really grateful for this community!

Happy Holidays!!!!

Live Oak teachers.