Dancing Dragon with Julianne

Lunar New Year Projects

The Mariposa children spent the few weeks leading up to our Lunar New Year parade making lanterns, dragon puppets, and a large dancing dragon. We read about acted out the zodiac animals and characters of each year. They were thrilled to find out the animal associated with their birth year!

We read a chapter book all about Chinese New Year and the traditions and legends associated with it. On Friday, the children proudly walked around the berm holding the poles and pearl of our dancing dragon that they made with Julianne. There was music and dancing. We ended the day with a fortune cookie treat thanks to Nathalie’s family.

The children made a connection between dragons and dinosaurs which opened up discussion about mythical creatures and folktales. They are beginning to differentiate between reality and fantasy, so making the distinction between real dinosaurs that roamed the Earth and mythical creatures was very exciting! We are continuing our learning journey through the land of dinosaurs with a focus on fossils and paleontologists. See photos below of what they’ve been up to.
