After closing up our dinosaur unit, I asked the children what they might be interested in learning about next. They unanimously voted on studying magical creatures. Although I had never done this unit before, I decided to follow their lead and get curious about what they were so drawn to about this theme. We made a list of magical creatures and drew several to brainstorm ideas. After getting lots of library books focusing on folktales, legends, and mythical creatures it was clear to me that they were enchanted my the story telling of it all.

We have been immersing ourselves in wonder and magic as we read about selkies, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, dragons, and more! The children have been using their imaginations during dramatic play in our unicorn cafe and when creating art related to this theme. They enjoyed a creative writing project where they came up with their own fairy, his or her likes/dislikes, favorite food, color, activities, and magical animal sidekick. It is great practice for them to come up unique ideas to express themselves through drawing and dictating their ideas.


On the day of the full moon, we read the legend of the selkie who is half seal half human. Each child got to make a selkie out of a wooden peg doll and balloon for the seal skin.

The Unicorn Cafe

We dyed sand and made rainbow smoothies for the grand opening of The Unicorn Cafe in Mariposa. Items on the child made menu include: lavender tea, selkie soup, magical muffins, rainbow milkshakes, and more.


A fun practical life activity on the shelf is a potion work. Using the dyed salt with a touch of lavender oil added to it, the children named each color for the shelf. They choose two to three teaspoons and a jewel before naming their potion and putting it in the sunlight. They take it very seriously and even document the recipe on a tiny notecard!

Unicorn Horns

We read all about unicorn legends this week. The children helped dye fabric for unicorn horns. They used with tempura paint markers and colorful jewels to decorate a headband that would hold their horns. There was so much excitement in the air as they anticipated getting to wear their horns home on Friday!

Miscellaneous Magical Play