Rainbows and Robots

In honor of our latest sound study “r” we have been making robots, tracing robots, and listening to the chapter book The Wild Robot. In small groups the children traced a variety of shapes from our geometry cabinet, cut them out, and glued them onto a sheet of paper to create a collage robot.

Another theme inspired by our sound study is rainbows! We turned our dramatic play space into a magic rainbow play space with movement scarves, colorful loose parts, and a rainbow mural collage. The children have enjoyed the invitation to engage in all kinds of open-ended imaginative play. We will continue next week with learning about the science behind rainbows and color theory projects.


We are studying amphibians currently which was inspired by the newts we have been finding under stumps and rocks in our side yard. All the rain, has brought lots of exciting creatures to the surface. The children are doing research in our new batch of library books focused on frogs, salamanders, and other kinds of amphibians. They have seen lessons about the parts of a frog, the life cycle of a salamander, and continue to create temporary habitats for newts outside. In our play we are singing and acting out Five Little Speckled Frogs and have made Froggy face headbands for dramatic play.

Looking Ahead

The week before spring break we honoring friendship and community with our annual kindness week on campus. We have been discussing and writing down all the ways to be a friend. We started a kindness chain that documents acts of kindness witnessed at school. The children are inspired and hope to create a “super long” kindness chain in the classroom! We will be sending kindness strips home next week for you to make kindness chains at home.