The past few weeks we have been focusing on two exciting themes, science and magic. Each week the children enjoy a new science experiment that is available for them to explore on their own as a shelf work. They have been erupting volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar, making natural dyes out of flower petals, creating Lava lamps with Alka-Seltzer and oil, and learning about surface tension and density with cardamon and soap. The science experiments even seem potion like! The children’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm for novelty and exploration make science especially exciting!
Magical Creatures – Selkies
With a fresh batch of library books, we have been weaving in legends and folktales to create a sense of wonder around storytelling and engaging the imagination. Magical creatures are a nice complement to all the facts and information the Mariposa children are gaining from science experiments.
After reading The Story of Selkie the children made miniature selkie dolls with “seal skins” (balloons) that come on and off. They made selkie stew with a color, cut, and paste activity. During lunch, we pretended to eat real selkie stew while enjoying miso soup with fresh onion blossoms and seaweed. The dramatic play corner has been a selkie cottage which will change into a science lab. We will continue our journey into mythical lands and legends with unicorns, mermaids, witches, fairies, and more!
Fieldtrips – Ohlone Park and Cheesboard
Miscellaneous Fun and The Kindness Festival