Spotlight of Mariposa Makers
The children have settled back into the flow of the classroom smoothly following winter break. We kicked off January with a maker’s space in our dramatic play nook. It is stocked with items like feathers, cardboard, google eyes, string, pipe cleaners, corks, jewels and more. The children flock to this area and are making all sorts of creations from dolls to airplanes. They construct with a sense of freedom, focus, and confidence. The Mariposa children welcomed our new friend Eden last week! We are so thrilled to welcome Eden and his family to our classroom.
We have started our handcraft series in Mariposa. Currently, the children are knitting simple scarves with toilet paper and popsicle stick looms. Next we will focus on weaving and following that running stitches with embroidery materials. These advanced practical life activities build concentration and a sense of calm as we move through the winter months.
The Mariposa children continue their studies of the alphabet. Each week we incorporate a cooking project, animal spotlight, and art project focused of the sound of the week. We learned about Octopi and Ocean zones when studying the letter “O”. We are currently on the letter “Q” and will grill up some quesadillas tomorrow! We have noticed this particular class loves cooking and science which we will highlight this second semester of school.
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday, we read a story about his life and legacy. In art, the children made memorials with his portrait and a colorful flowery background. Below is a poem composed of the answers the children gave when asked how we they can continue to help accomplish his dream.
To Help Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Accomplish his Dream…
We can use art to bring everyone together, we can paint together.
Let’s not be mean, smile at each other, give scarves to everyone to wear to be happy.
Send one of our classroom rules to the mailman, the mailman sends it to the police because all police should listen.
Have the not kind people go to the kind police and the kind police can show everyone how to be
kind with their bodies.
We can work together.
Let’s draw a message to people around the
world and tell them to be fair and kind.
Send a note to say everyone can be in whatever school they want to be in ;
it’s not ok to say that people can’t be in the school they want to be in.
Don’t arrest him for wanting things to be equal and fair.
We share and be kind by hugging and use kind words like I love you.
Like sharing day; when we share about things we all take care of eachother.
We can make better rules for everyone to listen to
and if they dont we can tell his wife on them and she will get them to listen.
We can work together.
Say kind words to each other.
Tell people to let everyone go to the same school and amusement park together, it’s more fun with everyone,
You just have to try .
We can all paint our hands sparkly red and put it on paper,
when we take our hands off we will see the beautifulness of all of our hands on the paper
and see everyones hand is the same.