Welcome Butterflies!
Note about Blogs: A blog with be posted about every two weeks and will spotlight something special happening in the classroom. This first blog will highlight our daily schedule. Going forward, spotlights might include topics like: science in preschool, Montessori math, or sound studies. I hope you enjoy this first spotlight!
Greeting Mariposa Families,
We have been enjoying our first few weeks in Mariposa! The children are getting to know one another, internalizing daily routines, and having fun in the classroom.
During morning circle, we sing a few songs and the leader of the day helps with the calendar and counting how many children are at school. The leader also enjoys special jobs like ringing the bell during transitions, leading the line, and being a special teacher helper. After songs and calendar, we read the board and start off the day with a lesson or small group project. Then, it’s free choice time and self-serve snack.
Next, we have a music and movement circle and transition to lunch time. After lunch the children have outside play time for forty-five minutes and transition to rest time for thirty minutes. During rest time, we play calm music and an audio book for twenty minutes. It is meant to be a restorative time to rest and recharge for the afternoon.
After rest time, the children have a bit more free play time or outside time. At this time of day, we also set out special afternoon projects. In our final circle of the day, we play games and sing our goodbye song.
A few weekly events the children look forward to are Friday afternoon Maker’s cart creative time and Art with Julianne on Thursday mornings. Next week, we will start Music and Movement with Chrissy on Tuesdays and a singing circle with Izzy’s Grandpa Clyde on Thursdays. We are off to a great start and anticipate a great school year with your children!
We hope to see you Thursday, September 28 from 6:00-7:30 for our Back to School Night!
Your Mariposa Teachers