Hello Mariposa Families,

We would like to thank all of you for joining us for Back To School Night. If there is anything you’d like to follow up, on please let us know.

These past few weeks we have been continuing getting to know each other and working collaboratively on various projects and activities. We created self portraits and family portraits, collaborative canvas art pieces, baked cookies and enjoyed various science experiments.  The children were very  proud to share about their family photos during morning meeting, and talk to each other about where their pictures were taken.  All of the children are getting more comfortable each day with presenting. We will be continuing to support their growth in this area. You may start to hear them refer to their “strong presenter voice! ”

We began our letter and sound studies and it’s exciting to see how willing the children are each week to hear about what letter and sound we will begin to study.

We created our classroom agreements and talked about various ways we can make sure that we all enjoy being together in class, and especially taking care of one another.

The children had a great time going to the big campus for our very first field trip and enjoyed the experience of being a kindergartener. They rotated through the kindergarten class, participated in P.E, Spanish, and had some free exploration time of the yard and play structure !

We will begin share day this Wednesday. The children can bring one item from these options:

  • something they made
  • something from nature
  • something relating to our letter study or unit (we are learning about D and styles of dance)
  • a book
  • a photograph

Note: Sharing day will be every Wednesday. If your child forgets their item, they are welcome to do a verbal share or bring their item the following week. Participation in sharing day is optional.

Friday we will send home our first child Zuri with the letter project and sound collage. We are excited to see her work and her presentation!