Dear TBS Community,
The Norman Johnson Fund for the Arts Committee is delighted to announce the 2nd annual Visiting Artist Program at the Berkeley School. Through the generous support of the Norman Johnson Fund for the Arts, this initiative aims to open our doors to local artists, enriching our students’ education by welcoming valuable artistic experiences to our community.
By offering modest honorariums, mentorship opportunities in the field of art education, and continued collaboration, we express our gratitude to our visiting artists for their contribution to The Berkeley School.
We are excited to welcome the following 9 Bay Area artists who will introduce their artistic practice to our students and lead workshops at our Preschool and K-8 campuses:
Andrew Catanese, Amy Elkins, Perry Freitas, Salani Matshoba, Yasushi Matsui, Kelsey Parker, Leonard Reidelbach, kaory santillán bueno, and Emily Becerra Sigel.
In addition, the Berkeley School is thrilled to announce the launch of The Norman Johnson Fund for the Arts Special Programming. This year we welcome MUZ Collective to present hub at The Berkeley School. MUZ is a Bay Area based art and curatorial collective founded by Shirin Khalatbari, Natasha Loewy, and Beril Or, dedicated to providing opportunities for connection, collaboration, and projects that benefit the arts community.
To learn more about these wonderful artists, please view the information PDF here and attached posters.
In collaboration,
The Norman Johnson Fund for the Arts Committee